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Just take a moment to think about all the gifts you’ve given and received all these years..which ones have melted your heart the most? Which ones did you cherish for the longest time and which ones do you hardly ever use and they end up being a waste? I know that’s harsh but isn’t it the truth really?

The holiday season is upon us and surely you’re brainstorming on what you plan to gift to your close and loved ones but honestly, the last thing that this pandemic stricken world needs is for us to continue a not-so-meaningful gifting tradition and being careless about our dear,dear planet in doing the same.

In this modern day and age of a gazillion choices between products, let this season be the onset of you shopping consciously for your people and and in a way, educating and making them aware of how important it is that we make the shift to a sustainable and earth-friendly lifestyle. What better way than to model this yourself!

Be it clothing or make-up, home decor or everyday essentials, India is now home to a plethora of brands that believe in the concept of ethical, cruelty-free fashion and sustainable use. So while you won’t be able to stop your best friend from using make-up, you can send a subtle (or not so subtle) good-for-the-planet message to them by giving them vegan, cruelty-free and organic makeup products. And that’s just one of the million examples I could take.

Rewind now to the first thought of this blog and answer this, of all the gifts that you’ve received in the recent few years, how many do you still have or rather, use? Shockingly, I couldn’t even think of two such. Whatever happened to reusing?! With so much variety and range available, we aimlessly shop without realizing how many times we even wear a said dress. Not to mention the joy of wearing the same dress your family gave you some years ago and the flood of happy memories that it brings along as you put it on every single time. I understand that ‘consuming less’ could be too much of a change for some but ‘consuming smart’ is a significant step in waste reduction.

It’s year-end and we’re going to be generous about vacations and family time and relaxation and detox days..why not be more generous to the environment! To local artisans and handcrafted stores who actually design for people and not for a profit-making formula. To eco-friendly and ethical producers who’re striving to make a difference.

This is your chance to gift someone not just something you bought from a store along the way but actually putting depth, thought and energy on how you can make it personal, special and ethical. Gifting is always confusing but this time you can make it fulfilling. Do your bit.

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